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General Private Reading

General Private Reading

Regular price $100.00
Regular price Sale price $100.00
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This is a very detailed reading! I combine numerology, tarot & oracle cards, runes, my psychic & intuitive abilities, astrology and our Spirit Guides to answer your question with as much detail as your Guides provide.

There is no specific timing for your reading, I communicate everything your Spirit Guides want you to hear and what they feel you need to know right now.

Your reading will be pre recorded & a private link will be sent to you via the email you provide. You will receive it by the session date & time you choose when booking. You will have the ability to view your reading as many times as you would like to, FOREVER!

Please be as specific as possible when choosing your question so you can get the most detailed answers possible.


All payments are final. The Tarot Readings provided by Isis Divine are not intended to replace medical, financial or professional legal advice. The client is responsible for their own life decisions.

By purchasing you are agreeing to the terms and conditions listed here.

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