About Me

Thank you for being here beautiful being.

My name is Isis Divine. As a Divination Coach I have dedicated my life to helping people just like You step into your POWER and become the creator of your life as you desire it to be! Going deep into your unknown self that you've subconsciously kept locked away, and freeing that bigger part of you.

I took my first step towards reclaiming my power when I left home at the age of 16. I had no clue the healing journey & spiritual awakening I later experienced, would eventually allow me to be who I was created to be! After having experienced childhood abuse, several abusive relationships and a very debilitating divorce, I started asking God some serious questions. These questions led me right into the Dark Night of the Soul phase of my Spiritual Awakening, the start of my Twin Flame journey and my path to true authenticity.

Do you find yourself asking deeper soul searching questions about your life and its purpose? Maybe things you used to love no longer bring the same sense of fulfillment for you.

Once I got to this point in my life, I knew I needed help but a traditional therapist, counselor, or coach just wasn't going to do it for me. Maybe you feel the same way? Spirit led me to my first Spiritual Advisor that supported me in changing and upgrading my life! I vowed to help everyone I can, just as she had helped me, to heal from deep within and free thyself to live your big authentic life.

Whether we have experienced a similar story or yours looks different; somewhere along the line we lost a part of ourselves, we forgot our true God/Source/Spirit given power or we just woke up and realized the game of life is played quite different than we were taught.


The good news is, You can feel whole again and live the exact life you desire AND experience so much joy from within and around you. The better news is, I am here to walk with you on your journey side by side. As an Empath I will literally feel what you're going through. I will be a Divine vessel of support, divination, coaching, communication & understanding for you. We will uncover the most hidden parts of yourself, NO judgement! Together we will go deep within and get to the core of what needs healing. We will use different breathing techniques, acts of divination and other avenues to guide you in releasing whatever is holding you back. I will support you in unleashing your inner magic so you can live to your highest potential!


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